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Dr. Jesse Walker Sr. Virtual International Center for CHARACTER Education (VICCE)

Recognizing an ever changing world, a world where a generation of youths can still believe in themselves with hope for their future coupled with overly concerned parents, “The Dr. Jesse Walker, Sr., Virtual International Center for Character Education” (The Center) was founded. Dr. Jesse Walker, Sr., an Educator with over 30 years in the private and public school systems and years of experience in Corporate Industry, has decided to channel his area of expertise into an area he finds the greatest need, in the generation of our youths around the world.

Dr. Jesse Walker Sr., successfully raised four children (now successful adults), as a single parent. His children were raised on various principles that are similar to those to be presented in the forth coming curriculum.

If you want to really make a difference in your child’s education and future, then I encourage you to take a moment to consider subscribing to a project that is likely to give your son/daughter the fair chance they deserve. A chance that is not typically a part of their private or public school education, instead, this is a chance that could enrich your child’s character for years to come and make you a lifetime proud parent.

We realize there are no guarantees in life when it comes to training or teaching youth, but, what if there was a project that could give them a greater chance at success particularly when it comes to their character development? Well, there is still hope. The hope comes in investment into building your child’s future by investing into his/her character education.

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